Grief and Loss

person grieving

 Moments of Grief and Loss 

We usually associate Grief and Loss with the death of a loved one. However we can also experience these feelings through times of Change, particularly when we have no control in that change.

In fact, these feelings can accompany any life event which involves change, such as Separation, the death of a pet, or moving house. It can also accompany exciting life events such as becoming a Parent for the first time, your child starting school, or at the end of a wonderful experience such as an overseas trip.

Fear plays a big part in Grief and Loss. This is normal, whether the change was thrust upon you or if you made the choice. You are, after all, travelling in uncharted waters so it’s only natural to experience fear during these times.

There are also times where these feelings will come out of nowhere, when we least expect it, and long after the loss. This is our reminder that we may have healed, but there will always be a scar.

We can’t hide or ignore these feelings, but how can we embrace them and still survive? How can we feel safe and confident that there is light at the end of the tunnel in the midst of these feelings?

In these pages are articles of support and understanding to help you find healing and meaning through times of Grief, Loss, Change and Fear.

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